Monday, January 10, 2011

SNOW 2011 -- A Winter Wonderland of FUN

We woke up this morning to over 8 inches of snow. In some places it was near one foot deep, but most places were anywhere from 8.5 - 9.5 inches deep.
One of the first things that Alec always does, is to make a snow angel.
Kirsten loves to make a snow angel too.
Redneck sledding on pool floats. Around these parts, it is difficult to find a sled and it is too expensive to have them on hand for the little amount of snow that we get every year. So we southerners have to do the best we can with what we have. And we will use anything that will slide on the snow.
Kirsten had a great time having a snowball fight with her Uncle John. She had fairly good aim, too, and got him in the face more than once. Go Kirsten!
This picture shows how much snow we really got! Amazing! I don't remember this much snow in over 25 years.
Alec loves to slide down the hill.
Kirsten poses with the snowman that I made.
I decided to pose with the best snowman that I have ever gotten a chance to build. The snow was perfect and plentiful.
Alec made his own "camouflage" snowman. It was really cute.
Parker built this man all by himself. Good job, Parker.
The guys worked together to build this "ginormous" snowman.
This afternoon, we went for a long walk in the woods. We tramped all over -- for over an hour -- and burned a whole lot of calories. It was hard work to walk in the snow and our legs and knees and cardio got a great workout.
Rachel and her kids paused for a group picture in the woods.
Lisa and her kids took time to take a picture too.
Luke was almost buried in the deep snow. So much fun for the kids!
The Blue Mountain College golf course provided a blank slate for walking in the untouched snow. All the kids had fun making their own way through the snow.
I thought this made a great picture.
So did this one.


  1. Wonderful pictures! I just love huge snowfalls!!! It is so amazing to see and taste the fresh snow! That is something I will miss when we return to Texas.
