Wednesday, October 7, 2009

God's Wondrous Handiwork!!!

Have you ever just sat and pondered the glorious handiwork of God? He is so majestic in all things, but even the little things speak to the marvelous wisdom He shows in His creation.
Each little shoot on this little cedar tree is so perfectly made. Why did God show such creativity in even the little things -- the things that we just walk on by and not notice? He did it to show His perfection in who He is.
Even the blades of grass (or weeds) as we call them, are so beautiful when you just examine them closely. The lakeside would be lacking in something without the grass that grows along its banks. It truly is the little things that magnify the glory of God.
These are just individual blades of grass, but look how unique each blade is.
I have never seen a weed like this one. I almost walked right on past it, but then I bent down and used my camera lens to truly bring out its individual personality.
Just look at the way this weed is put together. It is truly amazing that God put so much effort into designing the weeds that we take for granted.
These daisy-like weeds are glorious.
Even the mushrooms are special. They are fungi and cannot grow without feeding on decaying material around them. Who designed such a plant? Only a great God who does all things well!!
If God put so much effort into these weeds and fungi, how much more did He put into humans? We are created in the image of God! We often take our lives for granted, but we were CREATED IN THE IMAGE OF GOD! WOW!!


  1. Great post and great pictures! Thanks for the wonderful reminder of how marvelous our God is. I wanted to thank you, too, for your post this morning. I can imagine the courage and faith it took for you to get through your pregnancies after having lost three!
