Thursday, December 25, 2008

Christmas Morning

Christmas morning started early in our house -- 3:00 a.m. We had already lectured the children about not going downstairs without us and not even waking us up until after 5:00. However, I heard them talking around 4:00 and they said that they had been awake since 3. We made them wait until 5 anyway, but it was a long, hard wait for them. Alec opens a Garmin GPS wristwatch that is designed to help pace and track your running or walking workout. Now, he is really ready to start his cross-country training.
Now, this is a GUN!! Alec got a BB gun with a scope and everything. He was so excited! He looked at the brand name DAISY and was a little concerned that it was a "girl" gun.
Kirsten, also, received a Garmin GPS watch and she was so excited about it. She is ready to start running again anyway, and this is an added incentive.
"A real AMERICAN GIRL doll!" She didn't think that we would really get her an American girl doll. She had hoped and dreamed and talked about one for months. She was one happy girl!

1 comment:

  1. Your kids are going to love those GPS watches. They are really motivating.
    Olivia is doing another half--Nashville. Julie is too young and I have to watch my children! Jimmy is doing the full.
    I am going to train with Olivia to keep her will serve as good training for the Corinth Coke 10K on May??? the first Saturday in May.
    Hope to see yall soon.
